Image by Pier Carthew

This play was first developed in September 2021 with support from Creative Victoria and with support from the following team:

Dramaturg Fiona Spitzkowsky
With Chanella Macri, Rebekah Hill, and Sara Bolch

The second development of this play occurred in November 2021 with support from Geelong Arts Centre:

Dramaturg Fiona Spitzkowsky
With Bert LaBonté, Amanda LaBonté, and Robert Tripolino

The third development of this play occurred in May 2022 with support from Geelong Arts Centre:

Dramaturg John Kachoyan &. Fiona Spitzkowsky
With Amanda LaBonté, Fiona Choi, James O’Connell, and Harry Musgrove

Each week, Mariah and Gerard meet at a filthy hotel in The Valley. They meet at the beat-up end of town where no one knows them. After receiving a series of ‘gifts’ from an unknown sender, Mariah begins to suspect that someone is on a moral crusade to expose her affair.

Mariah wants to protect her partner’s reputation and clear her conscience, but her search for answers will lead to the discovery of a deadly secret.

Inspired by the unfolding Barwon Heads cancer cluster and class action case, A House on A Street in A Valley Called Gomorrah blends real history with folklore to explore truth and conspiracy, power and faith, and finally, the irretrievable loss of innocence and childhood.